Your Board Committees
The Board of Trustees completes its duties with the help of four committees that make recommendations to the Trustees within the scope of their mandates.
What's on this page
- Your Board Committees
- Committee mandates

The Committees meet at least quarterly and only have the authority that has specifically been delegated to them through their mandates.
Committee mandates
Asset and Liability Management
Chair: Martha Fell
Asset and Liability Management Responsibilities:
Governs the statement of investment policies and procedures (SIPP) and all strategic and operational processes.
- the pension fund performance
- actuarial initiatives and valuations
- risk management initiatives
- IMCO and other investment advisors
Plan Administration
Chair: Michael Kainer
Responsibilities for Plan Administration:
Assist with administration and support services.
- plan administration and support services
- compliance with relevant policies, mandates, and applicable laws
- benefits decisions appeals
Audit and Finance
Chair: Reagan Ruslim
Audit and Finance Responsibilities:
Assists management with annual business and financial plans.
- the Administrative Agent’s financial support services
- financial reporting and disclosure to stakeholders
- external audit and auditor
- internal audit and auditor
- the pension fund custodian
- risk management policy and initiatives
- information technology
- compliance with relevant policies, mandates and applicable laws
- Plan's insurance arrangements
Governance and HR
Co-Chairs: Bruce Smith and Harry Goslin
Responsibilities for Governance and HR:
Helps with Trustee and committee terms of reference and composition.
- hiring and secondment of key employees
- HR and all executive management functions
- strategic planning
- legal proceedings and outside counsel
- governance and HR policies